Strawberries (Fragaria × ananassa) are highly valued for their sweet taste, vibrant color, and significant nutritional benefits. These perennials from the Rosaceae family are extensively cultivated worldwide. The plant is characterized by its short stems, trifoliate leaves, and runners, which are horizontal stems that propagate new plants. Successful strawberry cultivation requires meticulous attention to environmental factors and substrate selection to optimize plant health, fruit yield, and quality.

Strawberry Cultivation Solution:

Pelemix has consolidated its position as a world reference in substrates for berries. For more than 25 years and coinciding with the awakening of the berry market, we launched an ambitious R&D program to provide solutions to these crops that have very specific requirements.

Grow bags /Open Top bags / Grow slabs:
    • Different cultivation concepts (Open Fields to High tech Greenhouses)
    • Growbags / growing Containers on drainage gutters – Standing or hanging; Floor cultivation in troughs or GB’s/ containers
    • High Tunnels –Under cover; Different Greenhouses (Mid. Tech and High tech levels) – effects the material type /cover color (black – white).
    • Product must be Low EC since the plants are sensitive for salinity. Preferred category is Extra washed /treated with EC below 0.6-1 max. Alternatively NW (Natural rain washed with EC <2.5 with extra washing or buffering protocol at customer site).
    • Recommended material: 16mm EW/Treated; 16mm + Extra Fibers EW /PLF 3070 EW /Treated
    • Number of planting holes vary based on the genetics / That effects the coir volume in the bag

Strawberry Grow Bags size and volumes (most commons):

We offer different bags for different sizes and volumes:

  • GB1001808 – 14.4 liters volume suits for 8-11 plants per bag
  • GB1001810 – 18 Liters volume suits for 10-13 plants per bag
  • GB10015110 – 15 liters volume suits for 8-12 plants per bag
  • GB1001212 – 14.4 liters volume suits for 8-12 plants per bag

Usually Strawberries are 11-16 Liter bags are used to plant 11-13 plants

Figure: Grow Bags for Strawberries

Figure: Grow Bags Specifications for Strawberries

Physical Structure of Coir:

The physical structure of the coir substrate plays a pivotal role in the successful cultivation of strawberries. Different climates and cultivation methods necessitate the use of specific coir compositions to ensure optimal plant growth and productivity.

  1. Particle Size Distribution:
    • PLF Coir: This type of coir has a mix of fine and coarse particles. This structure is designed to retain adequate moisture while providing sufficient aeration to the root system. The fine particles help in maintaining moisture, whereas the coarse particles ensure good drainage and air flow.
    • 16mm Coir: Characterized by larger particles, 16mm coir offers superior drainage and root aeration. This type of coir is ideal for environments where waterlogging is a concern, as it prevents water stagnation around the root zone

2. Water Retention Curve

Understanding the water tension curve is critical for managing the water retention and release properties of the substrate. Both PLF and 16mm coir exhibit optimal water retention at lower tensions, making water readily available to plants without causing waterlogging. This balance is crucial for maintaining consistent moisture levels around the roots.

Rapidly available water (14)

3. Laboratory Data

Laboratory tests provide insights into the physical properties of different coir types. For instance:

    • PLF Coir: Exhibits a dry bulk density of 1610 g MS/l and a total pore volume of 96.6%, indicating a high capacity for water and air retention.
    • 16mm Coir: Shows superior air volume, essential for root respiration and preventing diseases caused by anaerobic conditions.

Challenges with Alternative Substrates:

Although we are specialized in Coir as main and advanced substrate, Pelemix producers different  type of Coir&peat blends substrates for professional users.

Pelemix España at Alhama De Murcia – Is a State of art facility for mixing different kind of substrates Based on Coir and Peat. Those alternatives uses for growers mainly in fruit trees, propagations & seedlings, ornamentals, Nurseries and Agriculture/Horticulture uses like Blue Berries/Raspberries etc.

There are some mixtures that can fit also strawberry crop –Those are for clients that grows mainly choosing pots/plastic containers or Growbags But, this becomes less and less common due the advantage of coir and costs.

Please see below short comparing regarding different growing based substrate:


PH and EC Management:

Maintaining stable pH levels in the growing medium is critical for nutrient uptake and overall plant health. Coir substrates, particularly those that are extra washed (EW) or buffered, offer more stable pH levels, preventing issues related to salinity and nutrient imbalances. The electrical conductivity (EC) of the substrate should also be monitored and managed to avoid high salinity levels that can impede plant growth.

Material Chemical grades:

  • Un/rain washed coco for self CaNo3 treatment: for growers that can make this treatment at their site based on protocol provide by us and in some big projects under our supervision. Please note irrigation water for self-treatment shell be above 10-12 degree Celsius
  • Pre mechanically washed coco: EC below 0.8 -1; for self CaNO3 grower applying based on our protocol .
  • Treated – Buffered coco : EC < 0.8-0.6 ready to use for immediate planting .

We recommend to start with  2nd  or 3rd   option at the first year .Those are more costly options but will give the right start without any complications.

We will provide all needed protocols for Pre planting treatments and fertigation before material arrival.

Additional Considerations for Optimal Strawberry Cultivation

Bags and Planting Configurations:

  • Bag Colors: Different colored bags, such as black or white, can impact heat absorption and light reflection. White bags reflect more light, potentially keeping the roots cooler, while black bags absorb more heat, which can be beneficial in cooler climates.
  • Planting Holes: The configuration of planting holes in the bags or slabs is designed to optimize plant spacing and growth. Proper spacing ensures that each plant receives adequate light, air, and nutrients.
  • Dripper Holes: Pre-drilled holes for drippers facilitate efficient and uniform irrigation, ensuring that all plants receive the necessary water and nutrients.

Climate (Greenhouse):

Strawberries in general need stable & balanced ” growing atmosphere and climate”.

  • Plants are sensitive day/ night differences of more than 10-12 degrees Celsius.
  • Plants are sensitive to < 0 degree and stop active below 8  degree Celsius.
  • There are 2 main planting seasons: Usually October and May, But with controlled and heated GH there is a possibility to plant at January – February as well.

At any case – the most important factor is VENTILATION and light in order to avoid desists of leafs and fruits. 


No. of plants per hectare depends on varieties & planting season.

  • Need to calculate between 68000-100000 plants per hectare depends on variety and planting season
  • Need to match the varieties to the planting season > as well as for the expected plant yielding .
  • Need to match Growbags volume [liters per plant] & precut planting holes 

Most varieties are generating [getting fruits] within 8 -10 weeks after planting [depends on the day long – temperature & if They got ” PRE COOLING ” treatment] .

In general experience we have, hectare can achieve 80-100 tons of fruits [8-10KG per m2] per season depends of verities & planting season.

Recommended to get clear certification from the plants nursery regarding clean of the plants and roots from viruses and root desist [like Anthracnose ect.] 

Drainage Systems:

Proper drainage is vital to prevent waterlogging and root diseases. A well-designed drainage system allows excess water to be collected and potentially recycled, enhancing water use efficiency and sustainability. Recycling drainage water requires careful monitoring to ensure that nutrient levels remain balanced and pathogens are not introduced.

Drainage collecting Gutters:

There are different types of Gutters suits for strawberry growing.

All offered metal gutters currently in the market [Meteor; Form Flex ;T.R.E ect.] have good drainage solutions based on growbags drainage holes configuration  in the bag itself.

If the chosen technology  will be Hanging gutters need to make sure GH construction fits the weight of Gutters + GB’s + plants.

Space between gutters:

All above solutions are based on the fact we want to achieve high level of ventilation around the plants and fruits . This in order to avoid leafs and fruit desists which strawberry is sensitive for.

There are different concepts based on amount of plants per 1m2 or hectare .Usually need to make decision based on the variety /fruit expected size taking in consideration the ” leaf surface” in order to be efficient per m2  from  but to avoid connection between foliage of the side by side rows.

Most popular spaces are 1.05-1.1 meters between center to center of gutters [8-9 rows in 9.6 meter  of greenhouse span] .

In general on 9.6 meter spans there are +/-8500 running meters of Gutters per hectare in “standing Gutters- ground  surface / hanging gutters system .

There is a possibility for ” swing” system of hanging gutters that can achieve +/- 10% additional growing space with additional row on each span means +/- 9200 running meters per hectare.


We highly recommend to use 4 or 5 arrow drippers per 1 meter bag .

 As other option : 20 cm space between drippers if there will be a use with integral pipe dripper.

 This is very important due the fact that lack of water coverage might cause problems specially in the fruits stage with fruits deformation. EC and salt levels may increase on the edges and create senility problems .

Recommended drip capacity : 1.2 L/H 

Figures: Pelemix Grow Bags for Strawberry crop


By understanding and utilizing the optimal conditions for growing strawberries in coir and substrates, professional growers can achieve higher yields, better fruit quality, and more sustainable cultivation practices. Pelemix’s tailored coir solutions provide the versatility and performance required to meet the diverse needs of strawberry cultivation across different climates and growing systems. Our expertise and innovative products ensure that growers can maintain healthy plants and achieve successful harvests season after season.