Entries by Inesa

A Future of Blueberry Cultivation – Boosting Production Efficiency

A future of blueberry cultivation - boosting production efficiency in harmony with nature


Have you ever wondered how blueberry – an inconspicuous forest shrub – has become a ‘superfood’ with a yearly production capacity of almost 700 million tons? Nothing would have happened without the considerable progress in the cultivation techniques that allowed to maintain the highest fruit quality with a production efficiency enabling to meet the raising global demand for this precious fruit.

Blueberries through the centuries

Appreciated for their sweet edible fruits, blueberries – both wild (lowbush) and cultivated (highbush) – are all native to North America. They have been collected by hunter-gatherer societies since almost 13,000 years. Archaeological evidence shows that the first agrotechnical practice used by the Native Americans in blueberry cultivation involved the intentional burning of wild stands to renew plants vigour. However, the domestication of highbush blueberries occurred no earlier than at the end of the 19th century. The progress that followed later required the optimization of blueberries production techniques that enabled the conquering of new regions and world markets.

Blue Revolution

A demand for blueberries has been growing through the recent years.
Highbush blueberries have become one of a major international crop, harvested from over 65,000 ha in North America, 23,000 ha in South America, 27,000 ha in Asia and the Pacific, 16,000 ha in Europe and about 1000 ha in the Mediterranean and North Africa and sub-Saharan Africa. Up-to-date, the total world production of highbush species reached almost 700 million tons annually.

open top fro blueberrie

Blue Gold

Mature blueberry fruits have a generally sweet taste, with variable pulp acidity. They are considered a ‘superfood’, being an excellent source of dietary fibre, vitamin C, vitamin K, manganese, iron, and a high amount of antioxidants.
Blueberry fruits contain anthocyanins, polyphenols and various other phytochemicals, with a scientifically proven beneficial effects on human health. It was proven that a consumption of 200 grams of blueberries (about one cup) a day can improve blood vessel functioning and normalization of blood pressure.

Art of Growing Blueberries

Blueberries are traditionally grown in the ground. Blueberries shrubs grow only in highly acidic, well-drained but moist soils in areas with cool climate, due to the chilling requirement. Greenhouses and foil tunnels have been widely applied in various locations of the world to extend the growing season and harvesting period.

The optimization of blueberry production requires a high level of control, involving a proper irrigation, balanced air-to-water ratio in the growing media, and an optimal fertilization program. A critical attention to soil pH measurements is also essential. Highbush blueberries prefer sandy or loam soils, having usually shallow root systems.

All of these conditions can be also met when using soilless technologies. These allow a maximum control over the crop growth parameters, such as water availability, pH, and nutrient concentrations. Soilless cultivation of blueberries employs usually aggregate culture with inert medium for a proper root anchorage. The components that are commonly used as a growing medium include sphagnum peat moss, rock wool, composted bark, perlite, pumice and coconut coir pith.

blueberries in coco coir

Seeking for Natural Solutions

All of the materials that are applied as a cultivation substrates have a common physical characteristics, that is water and air holding capacities. In peat and coco coir, two phenomena participate in water retention: absorption due to internal porosity (in contract to rockwool fibres that do not absorb water), and adhesive forces of sole water molecules. Due to the spongy nature of a peat and coco coir, these natural substrates offer a unique buffering properties facilitating the regular supply of water and preventing periodic water shortages that may cause plants to wilt. Organic substrates are also known to a richer microbiome compared to inorganic media such as rockwool or perlite (Othman et al. 2019). The natural bacterial symbionts in the root zone enhance plant growth and productivity, being effective in reducing a pathogen infestation.

Scientific evidence behind

Pelemix 3B Blueberry Blend

Fig.1 Summary of the advantages of application of coconut fiber coir for blueberry cultivation.

Coco coir is used worldwide as a substrate for growing a variety of crops in greenhouses, nurseries, bedding plants and different sectors of professional outdoor cultivation and hydroponics setup. It has been scientifically proven that the application of coco coir as a growth substrate may positively affect the vegetative growth and yield characteristics in both closed and open soilless culture systems (demonstrated in blueberry [Kingston et al. 2017], as well as strawberry [López-Medina et al. 2004], and tomato [Jerca et al. 2015]). It has been also shown recently that the rooting potential of blueberry stem cuttings is higher in coco coir substrates, compared to rockwool (Schwab et al. 2021).


Pelemix is one of the leaders in supplies of the highest quality coconut fiber coir for the plant nurseries and hydroponics market. Pelemix’s leading product for the berries cultivation is 3B – BlueBerry Blend – being an universal solution that fits different growth technologies and climate conditions. This product is an open-top plastic bag of a volume of 27l (7 gallons) with drainage holes in its base, containing a compressed slab of coir- cocopeat that will expand when irrigated with water. A perfect ratio of coco crush and coco pith, with fibers at the bottom of the mix ensures a proper water drainage and favour the root development.


Pelemix’s 3B – BlueBerry Blend – offers an excellent and repeatable applicable results in highbush blueberry cultivation involving:

  • increase of total fruit yield up to 6 kg / plant in two cycles (compared to a typical yield of 3 kg / plant),
  • higher plant density per hectare (ave. 9,000-10,000 plant per ha),
  • shortening of a cultivation time till harvest up to 6 months,
  • economical feasibility (low costs of field preparation, easy installation, reduced labour costs, alternative to more expensive pots and containers).

When efficiency meets sustainability

The application of a natural-origin growth media such as coconut fiber coir in a soilless cultivation techniques have a certain advantages including:

  • waste reduction (material is reusable and recyclable, no harmful to the environment),
  • bio-safety (weed and disease free material),
  • eco-friendly character (lower water and fertilizer use, limited need for plant protection products application),
  • sustainability (coco coir is a renewable raw material, in contrast to sphagnum moss organic matter that needs to be compressed over hundreds of years to form peat).

Pelemix is a global presence company that cooperates with the customers from over 40 countries, offering the highest product quality and professional support by experienced agronomists. Company offers unique expert’s knowledge originating from successful applications by the growers on thousands of hectares all around the world (including Mexico, Peru, Chile, Morocco, South Africa, Spain, Israel, China and Australia).

open top fro blueberry

Fig.2 Summary of the benefits of Pelemix’s 3B system for optimal efficiency of blueberry production.

Materials And Products To Boost Your Income

Materials And Products To  Boost Your Income

Our range of materials and products can simulate different soil physical and chemical properties to maximize yield for growers. Therefore, it is imperative to define products and names and elaborate on their characteristics and utilization in hydroponics/horticulture. Furthermore, our Coir can substitute different substrates by changing the Coir segmentation to simulate other root zone properties.

You can select the most appropriate product to achieve maximum yield. All growers are encouraged to read the full article to ensure that you know what you need.

General Names and Industry Concepts Explained

Coir – is the stiff and coarse fiber from the outer husk of the coconut plant. Therefore, the terms coco peat or coconut peat are incorrect, but it is all coconut Coir.
Pith – All the loose material and dust extracted from the Coconut husk during Pelemix’s sieving technology to isolate the Premium Long Fibres. In India alone, 7.5 million tons of pith and dust are used in composting with extraordinary results.
Soiless – In Hydroponics, plants are grown in the absence of soil, and a substrate like Coir is used to anchor the plant. The substrate must supply the physical and chemical properties ideal for root growth, water, and nutrient absorption. Coir is a leader in all facets.

PLF -Premium Long Fibres that are used in Coir segmentation to produce pre-defined water retention and aeration in the root zone.

Coir, Pre-Processed To Suit Individual grower Needs

With the aid of Pelemix’s team of professionals, growers can decide how the initial processing needs to be done. The processing stages are discussed here and involve the following:

Washed or Unwashed – Coir is washed with pure water to wash off the dirt and excess salt, but it’s up to you and our professionals whether you prefer washed or unwashed Coir.

Partly Treated, Treated, or Untreated – Coir is treated with Calcium Nitrate to reduce Electrical Conductivity. If any EC level in between is preferred, then you can get it.

Unique protocols – Unique protocols have been developed, for instance, for a producer that wants more intensive Calcium Nitrate treatment to ensure an even lower EC. Some growers may need this to control nutrient management even better.

Bring Your Growth to Life With the Right Substrate Mix


Segmentation And Combination Of Material For Optimized Root Zone Aeration and Water Retention

Pelemix has defined different segmentation sizes and combinations of Coir to deliver a product adapted to all crops, climates, and systems worldwide. It is backed by reliable after-sales services of our Agronomy department to minimize risk for you as a grower.

The segments and combinations are discussed in detail in another article, and we will only provide an outline here. In general, segmentation is employed to induce the optimum conditions for root growth, water uptake, drainage, and soil temperature control in different regions of the world.

Chips – Chips is a Coir husk that is ground into pieces of specific sizes. It is added to the growing medium to Improve the aerating of the medium. It is important to use the right size of chips for a particular crop, and more details are available.

1/4” and 1/6” Coir –  This uniform growth medium is ideal for nurseries propagating seedlings. The fine-textured Coir provides a medium where perfect conditions exist for germination and root growth. For more information, please read this article.

Crush – Crush Coir is made up of sieved long fibers and chips to improve aeration and drainage. A detailed description of Crush is here.

Crush Pro – It combines 3/4” Coir Chips and Crush to enhance drainage even more, and a detailed description is available.

PLF Coir – Another combination of 3/4” Coir and PLF primarily produced and tested for cold and hot temperatures (Turkey and USA). For more information, please read this article.

3/4” DS Coir – The 3/4” Coir, with its exceptional drainage characteristics, is used in regions wit5h a hot climate. (Mexico, South Africa, and Australia). Read more here.

Product or Container For Material To Optimize Yield And Income

Our team of professionals can assist you in deciding which material you need, in which product packaging and what size. 

Coir Open Tops – Open Top durable white plastic bags that are black on the inside manufactured to suit your needs are filled with specific Coir for your conditions. 

Coir Grow Bags – Grow bags are made to suit your individual needs as dictated by your circumstances and climate. Our team of professionals will assist you in selecting the right bag and Coir. They got the know-how backed by Pelemix’s own in-house research.

More information on Grow Bags that are mainly used for Tomato production can be found in the Pelemix Magazine. 

Coir Bales – Bailes of different materials that are washed and treated are available. The material is compressed into 5 kg blocks, called bales, with the measurements 30cm X 30CM X 10cm.

Blends And Lose Substrate – Lose material, as well as certain mixtures, can be bought. The substrate is packed in 70 L bags, 3M X 3M bales, and 5M X 3M semi-compressed bales. 

The amount of compressed Coir translates to a volumetric measure of 9L, and when soaked with water, it will yield 65L to 70L of Coir.


Pelemix is the leader in Coco Coir substrate research, production, and distribution, accompanied by excellent after-sales service through educated, experienced team of professionals.

The Materials and Products can be tailored for a growers specific circumstances and needs to ensure that the grower can optimize yield and maximize income.

Contact us now to start a productive relationship that will maximize your income!

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How Different Types Of Substrates Can Impact The Crop’s Growth & Yield?

How different types of substrates CAN IMPACT THE CROP’S GROWTH AND YIELD?

The more popular hydroponics get, the more substrates are becoming available for hydroponic farmers. To select the best one, we need to look at the factors affecting crop growth and yield as influenced by some of the various products available in the market.


We must keep in mind three factors when selecting between substrates for hydroponics that will affect the growth and yield of the cultivated plants. 

However, the most critical soil water characteristic is the substrate’s Water Holding Capacity (WHC).

Different hydroponic systems planted with various plants will require either a higher or a lower WHC, but in general, it is preferred to have a higher WHC.

AFP refers to the Air Flow Porosity (AFP) within the substrate. Substrates with a low AFP can’t supply oxygen to the plant roots, and some plants might rot and die.

The Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) has to do with how many cations can be adsorbed to the surface of the substrate. Knowing the CEC of your substrate is essential in order to be able to supply the right amount of nutrients to compensate for the CEC.


Perlite has a low WHC but a good wicking action that makes it ideal for a wick-type hydroponic system. Because of the low WHC, plants might suffer a water deficit between waterings. It is, however, relatively cheap.

The dust from Perlite is toxic, always wear a mask when handling the substance.

On the other hand, Vermiculite has got a relatively high WHC with a low AFP and acts like a sponge. It might suffocate some plant roots.


Rockwool is popular because of a low CEC and high WHC. Because it absorbs well and drains well, it is preferred in ebb and flow systems.

There is, however, a negative side to it. It has a natural high ph and therefore must be soaked in water with a ph of 5 to 5.5 for 24 hours before use. It is also not biodegradable, so eco-friendly farmers might immediately discard it. 


Coco coir is an organic biodegradable substrate with a high WHC, and the AFP and CEC are average.

It is excellent in dripper systems where the water intake can be controlled. Because of various processing options, it can be utilized in all scenarios regarding hydroponics.

Bring Your Growth to Life With the Right Substrate Mix



There are many benefits of growing in coco coir, and we will just discuss the most important ones.

Pelemix, a top-level supplier, is geared for the future as far as the treatment, preparation, and processing of coco coir or any other similar material is concerned.

Their coco coir products have increased growth and yield on farms in an eco-friendly way.

Nutrition and water scheduling are optimized:

Coco fiber has a neutral to acidic ph, allowing plants to grow at a Ph of between 5.8 to 6. The neutral Ph makes all nutrients accessible to the plant for optimum growth. 

Combine it with a high CEC, and you get a substrate with nutrients adhered to it which readily release it whenever needed by the plant. 

The ideal scenario is geared for optimal nutrient absorption and plant growth with a nearly perfect air-to-water ratio.

Overall, this enhances the farmer to optimize irrigation and nutrient scheduling to cut on expenses and optimize growth and production.

Healthy high yielding plants : 

Plants growing without nutrient or water stress are less susceptible to diseases, and all soil-borne nematodes are irradicated by planting in coir.

Efficient handling : open top for blueberries

Coir is a fibrous material that can be compressed and transported in a much denser mode that takes up less space and is easy to store once it arrives on the farm.


Planting in coir ensures optimized and healthy growth of the plant through accurate scheduling of nutrient and water requirements. The result is optimized yield while costs are limited to what is necessary with an natural increase in profit.

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What are the top benefits of growing in coco coir?

What are the top benefits of growing in coco coir?

Coco coir is a naturally renewable resource that offers unique advantages when compared to other types of substrate.

As a top-level supplier, Pelemix can handle the challenge of meeting the present and future needs of treated, young coco fibers, as well as other state-of-the-art materials.

Benefits of growing in coco coir

Currently, a variety of substrates are used in conjunction with fertigation to meet specific plant growth needs. Among these materials, coir is recognized for its top-five positive features: efficient water management, nutrient handling, operational efficiency, disease control, and sustainability.

Let’s see how the use of coconut products increases the productivity of farms. grow in coco coir

Water management

Coco fibers’ physical properties allow them to absorb both liquids and gases, and the structure has a higher surface area, higher water holding capacity, and optimal drainage per unit volume.

In horticultural production, the measurement of wettability is very relevant due to the large and rapid variations in water content in the media due to the limited volumes of pots or containers. Growing media can be classified in the ascending order of their wettability: wood fiber < pine bark < peat < coir.

Coir is hydrophilic, allowing water to evenly distribute over the fibers’ surfaces and reach the roots in an effective manner, even if after a long time dry. In contrast, peat moss must have a wetting agent amended to absorb and retain water when irrigation events occur because of its hydrophobic nature.


Coconut fiber is known for its high cation exchange capacity (CEC), i.e., the ability to attract and hold nutrients such as potassium, calcium, iron, and zinc. Its CEC is superior to that of perlite, sand, rock wool, polystyrene beads, and non-composted organic materials such as rice and peanut hulls. Coir has a slightly acidic or neutral pH, not as acidic as peat. The perfect pH for growth periods in coco coir is around 5.8 – 6.0.

Its high buffering capacity and ideal air-to-water ratio allows for the correct handling of the nutrient solution and practicing high-frequency fertigation.


Bring Your Growth to Life With the Right Substrate Mix


Operational efficiency

Coir is a fibrous material contained in the mesocarp of coconut fruit (Cocos nucifera). Coir can be compressed and transported as a denser material, which means more product per square meter, saving space and time. This property also makes it possible to store coconut directly on the farm.

Implanting and maintaining coco coir is easy and less labor-intensive, whether you use the product directly from the bag or as a pot filling, both options being perfectly reasonable. Prior to use, the blocks of compressed coir are detached, moistened and fertilized. The volumetric expansion ratio on reconstitution is about six times, retaining its physical properties longer than other materials after moisture.

Plant health

Growing the same crops in soil or another organic substrate coco coir year after year leads to the inevitable build-up of soil-borne diseases (such a verticillium) and pests (such as nematodes) and necessitates the expensive step of soil sterilization by steam or fumigation by chemicals.

The use of coconut as a soilless growing medium is excellent for preventing soil diseases and transmission between plants. Coir peat is clean, free from soil, contaminant plant material and other extraneous matter as well.

Many growing media are beneficial for root development by retaining air in the soil; however, coir holds more air when completely saturated. Plants’ roots tend to grow faster in coconut-based substrates, somewhere in the middle between conventional soil and hydroponics. Coir has also a high germination index when compared to compost.

Eco-friendly product

Until recently, the main drivers for the selection of the component materials in soilless media were largely based on performance and economic considerations. But nowadays, the use of renewable materials and ease of disposal are also central aspects.

Coir is an organic material and a renewable resource, making it a more environmentally sustainable option on a field-scale basis.

Coir benefits improve yield and quality

The election of the growing media is important since its physical, chemical, and biological characteristics will determine water and nutrient management. According to university research, coir-bedding plant species grow as well as or better than those grown in peat-based substrates. Moreover, same-sized pots have been found to grow larger in coir than in soil.

The benefits as mentioned above protect farmers’ investment and provide a clear advantage over other substrates. By sharing their expertise and knowledge, a reliable coco coir supplier can enhance these unique benefits through all stages of your project.

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How investing in a high-quality substrate will increase ROI

pelemix increase roi

How investing in a high quality substrate will increase roi 

Investing in an a priori more expensive substrate may lead to a higher return on investment. Coco coir provides a smart choice, both economically and environmentally.

Types of Substrates

For soil to grow healthy plants, adequate fertility, readily water availability, and soil disease control are recognized as essential requirements. At the moment, there are numerous substrates used along with fertigation to cover these needs.

The growing medium constituents may be either from biological sources (peat, bark, coconut, and composted organic wastes), or inorganic substrates may be derived from inert sources (tuff, sand, and pumice) and processed materials (expanded clay such as perlite and vermiculite).

In this context, coco peat is the ideal cost-effective ingredient for making plant pots.

Benefits of a Soilless Medium

Soil is the universal substrate for growing plants, but the majority of farm managers look to develop soilless alternatives as a better medium specific to their plants. Among these materials, coco fiber emerges as an effective growing medium for commercial large-scale horticultural applications.

Many studies have revealed that soilless culture systems can be a solution to overcome the problems of soil salinity and soil-borne diseases (like Fusarium, Pythium, and Rhizoctonia species, root rot, including Phytophthora, Verticillium fungi, and nematodes). By avoiding the accumulation of pests and diseases encountered in conventional cultivation, you prevent plant mortality as well.

Moreover, using a soilless medium can give accuracy in irrigation — proficient growers manage to give better irrigation and fertilization regimes, thus streamlining the overall process and saving both water and fertilizer inputs. As per its resource and labor-saving properties, coir is the best-in-class product for soilless agriculture.

What is the impact on ROI?

Detached beddings are due to the high cost of transport and associated materials requirements and tend to be more expensive than conventional soil. Despite the positive effect of coco derivatives and other alternative substrates on plant growth, growers are not always ready to pay more for them.

But it must be noted that detached beddings have also become attractive investments for farmers by:

  • Increasing yield thanks to precise irrigation techniques.
  • Reducing the usage of fertilizers and pesticides, which has a direct impact on cost reduction and environmental pollution
  • Saving water, a scarce (and sometimes costly) resource in many regions.
  • Being able to reuse your substrate many cycles and providing the option to change or renew the substrate when exhausted or contaminated.

In the Netherlands, the use of an innovative growing medium resulted in 15% higher yield production, 35% reduction fertilizers needed and 60% less water consumed compared to conventional soil based farming solutions, while the dropout rate fell to 2% and life expectancy of the crop improved by 15%.

And coco coir holds promise in delivering even better results than other media. Let’s understand the logic behind the ROI of coir substrate through two extra examples.

Cultivation of eggplant in coconut requires a good drainage system, a mulch cover, substrate and plastic pots at relatively high initial cost. Yet, researchers in Thailand found it to be more profitable than soil cultivation: the fruits have larger and more uniform size, lower pesticides amounts are used which leads to healthier and more economic production.

Likewise, coir has been increasingly adopted as a single substrate for soft fruit crops such as blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries. Here, the higher cost is compensated by the ability to reuse coir three or four times in growing modules for soft fruit crops.

Main Takeaways

We’ve shown the economic feasibility of investing in detached substrates, which leads to higher yields and hence higher profit. Coconut in particular is a powerful tool to address the continuous need to improve yield and quality despite higher initial costs.

Finally, it must be noted that having a good substrate is fine, but it’s not enough. The key to a successful transition from growing in soil to growing in detached substrates lies in the professional accompaniment of your project.

In the case of coir, choosing a reliable supplier that delivers quality products is very important throughout all stages of your business. The selection of materials and components necessary for soilless agriculture has to be done very carefully in order to minimize and amortize the investment.

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Pelemix no utilizará materia prima prematura

La primera etapa de la producción es remojar la cáscara  en un depósito de  agua .
Durante esta etapa, el agua ablanda la cáscara.
Pelemix no utiliza cáscaras jóvenes para esta etapa.
Pelemix no tiene productos a base de cáscaras inmaduras,ya que esta es la primera etapa para todos los productos de turba de coco de Pelemix. 

Estabilidad física y química

Son los principales aspectos para la diferenciación (en términos de calidad) de los tipos de turba de coco suministrados en el mercado y tienen un impacto crucial en los resultados finales en el campo.
Los parámetros físicos de la turba de coco son mucho más complicados de manipular en relación a la calidad.

Como resultado de las buenas prácticas de fabricación adoptadas por el grupo Pelemix, hoy existen más opciones para hacer coincidir el tipo correcto de turba de coco con el cultivo, teniendo en consideración diversos factores de cultivo tales como: calidad del agua, equipos y métodos de irrigación.


El objetivo de Pelemix es producir productos a largo plazo.
La etapa de compostaje es fundamental para que la turba de coco dure más de 2 años.
Esta etapa dura entre 12 y 18 meses.

Tamizado doble (eliminación de fibras largas y polvo)

Este procedimiento es la etapa final y con esta etapa Pelemix se asegura de que cada producto se ajuste exactamente  a sus requerimientos de calidad.  
El tamizado es fundamental para la uniformidad y calidad de   todos los productos de turba de coco .